jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2010


Northern Institute for Social Promotion of B / mangaSENA - GAES N ° 05Evidence
Idea:STUFFED POTATOES We will produce the following ingredients:
• Rice
• Ground beef• Chicken• EggsServed with drinks like lemonade for the consumer to have our product.We will offer very good price according to the type of product that we offer.With this product we will seek to obtain an opinion of our consumers and buyers, and according to their opinion will decide if we can continue our small business.

Company name:
Dl!!Lokura$ (Delilocuras).

Mission:Our mission as young entrepreneurs is to create a company able to generate a better economic quality and competitive in the market, guaranteeing an excellent service.

Vision:In 2015 will be one of the most renowned companies at the municipal level, gaining recognition and reputation for quality and product excellence.

Objective:Encourage consumption of our product to well, to increase sales and have a good market share.

Location of business:TUI University, 9th Street to race 17.

Logo Symbol:
Buying stuffed potatoes, you eat and you are filled.

Business Type:
Microenterprise private.
MEMBERS                             CONTRIBUTIONS

 Names                                                  $Marly Cáceres                                $ 11,100
Tellez Yurley                                  $ 11,100
Jahir Jose Sandoval                       $ 11,100
Oscar Gonzalez                              $ 11,100

Expenditure                                        Cost
Oil                                                   $ 10,000
Papa Black                                     $ 10,000Eggs                                                 $ 4,000Rice                                                 $ 3,000Chicken (breast)                              $ 5,400
Ground beef                                    $ 3,500
Wheat                                              $ 2,000
Trifogón                                          $ 1,000
Panela                                              $ 2,000
Lemons                                            $ 3,000
Ice                                                     $ 500
TOTAL:                                          $ 44,400
Organization chart:
 Manager: Oscar Gonzalez.
Sale manager: Paola Tellez.
Cashier: Marly Caceres.
Seller: Jahir Sandoval.

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